It was great to welcome everyone back after the summer holidays! We all enjoyed our break and were ready to get together again for more fun with the ponies.
We are very lucky to have a new pony joining the RDA team. Byron is a lovely, gentle boy who is already forming bonds with his RDA riders. His owner, Joss, heard how much fun he was having with RDA and decided to join as a volunteer too!
We had a visit from Sue who taught our team of volunteers some Makaton to help with communication with riders. We learnt how to say some common phrases and key riding terms, as well as colours, animals and items that we use during our games. Thank you, Sue!
Riders began their work for the Countryside Challenge and had great fun weaving around poles and other obstacles, practising turning and halting on narrow paths, going through gates and under archways and trotting on a bridleway.
A very busy start to the Autumn Term!